Travel Information
Air Travel
The closest airport is Harry Reid International Airport. The airport was recently renamed and you may know it as McCarran International Airport. The three letter airport code is LAS. This airport is located approximately 4.5 miles from the hotel.
Taxis, Uber, and Lyft are readily available 24/7 as are shuttles.
The Orleans does not offer an airport shuttle.
Getting Around Las Vegas
The Orleans is located approximately 1.5 miles west of the famous Las Vegas Strip. Taxis, Uber, and Lyft are readily available from the hotel to the Strip.
Your safety is of top importance. Please use good judgment. As with any major tourist destination, there can be crime. Add in cash from gambling (winners we hope!) and free alcohol and people can sometimes lose their sensibilities when visiting Las Vegas. Please follow the safety tips below.
Stick with a buddy. Watch out for your friends.
Drive or take a cab/ride share service from the Orleans to the Strip.
Practice car safety if using ride share services.
Be aware of your surroundings. Do not be distracted on your phone!
Be mindful of your personal items.
Skip the bling.
Be smart about your hotel room and do not flash your room key or room number.
Gamble discreetly. As they say, you do not count your money while sitting at the table.
Practice beverage safety. Know your limit.
Know how to identify local police and security staff. Cameras are everywhere in Las Vegas as are both uniformed and undercover security.
See something, say something.
Please note: All local COVID-19 guidance will be followed in accordance to what is required at the time of the convention.
As a courtesy to your fellow collectors we ask that you do not travel if you feel ill, home test prior to travel, follow all handwashing guidelines, respect the boundaries of your fellow collectors, and use good judgment.
The closest airport is Harry Reid International Airport. The airport was recently renamed and you may know it as McCarran International Airport. The three letter airport code is LAS. This airport is located approximately 4.5 miles from the hotel.
Taxis, Uber, and Lyft are readily available 24/7 as are shuttles.
The Orleans does not offer an airport shuttle.
Getting Around Las Vegas
The Orleans is located approximately 1.5 miles west of the famous Las Vegas Strip. Taxis, Uber, and Lyft are readily available from the hotel to the Strip.
Your safety is of top importance. Please use good judgment. As with any major tourist destination, there can be crime. Add in cash from gambling (winners we hope!) and free alcohol and people can sometimes lose their sensibilities when visiting Las Vegas. Please follow the safety tips below.
Stick with a buddy. Watch out for your friends.
Drive or take a cab/ride share service from the Orleans to the Strip.
Practice car safety if using ride share services.
Be aware of your surroundings. Do not be distracted on your phone!
Be mindful of your personal items.
Skip the bling.
Be smart about your hotel room and do not flash your room key or room number.
Gamble discreetly. As they say, you do not count your money while sitting at the table.
Practice beverage safety. Know your limit.
Know how to identify local police and security staff. Cameras are everywhere in Las Vegas as are both uniformed and undercover security.
See something, say something.
Please note: All local COVID-19 guidance will be followed in accordance to what is required at the time of the convention.
As a courtesy to your fellow collectors we ask that you do not travel if you feel ill, home test prior to travel, follow all handwashing guidelines, respect the boundaries of your fellow collectors, and use good judgment.